Payment: managed integration
Integration managed via
Wallet options
Uniswap only
Wallet options
Uniswap first
Wallet options
Uniswap first and partially filtered
Payment: multichain
Accept payments on multiple blockchains.
Payment: Solana
Accept payments on solana.
Payment: Solana without amount
Payment: Solana with Fee + Tracking
Accept payments on solana.
Payment: before callback
Allows you to stop the payment.
Payment: fromToken+fromAmount
Calculates route based on given fromToken/fromAmount.
Payment: change title to donation
Payment: unclosable widget
Payment: render into container
Renders into a given container element.
Payment: Recover Confirmed Transaction
Recovers an already confirmed transaction.
Payment: Recover Failed Transaction
Recovers an already failed transaction.
Payment: Value loss protection.
Prevents people from using tokens that will loose to much % of value if exchanged.
Payment: with tracking/validation
Tracks and validates the payment.
Payment: with tracking/validation without amount with fee
Tracks and validates the payment.
Payment: with async tracking/validation
Tracks and validates the payment.
Payment: with Fee
Payment with fee.
Payment: with Fee and tracking/validation
Tracks and validates the payment and the fee.
Payment: with Fee and tracking/validation Token
Tracks and validates the payment and the fee for a token payment.
Payment: pay into a Smart Contract
Payment: with fixed currency amount
Payment: without set amount
Payment: preload
Preload payment right after wallet has been connected
Sale: Buy LimeWire Token
Sale: Buy DEPAY fixed amount
Sale: Buy with TOKEN as denominator
Skips local currency conversion and denominates the purchase in the given token.
Sale: Buy tokens off multiple blockchains
Multichain routing for token sales.
Connect a wallet
Reuse wallet (from previous card: Connect a wallet)
Wallet login via signature
Login with message callback
Wallet login via signature and message callback method
Select: Token
Select a token.
Select: NFT
Select an NFT.
Loading Dialog
Opens a loading dialog.